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Happy Generous Eve!

Generous EveMalanka, Schedry vechir — Generous Eve is a Ukrainian, folk holiday celebrated on January 13, which is New Year’s Eve in accordance with the Julian calendar (see Old New Year).
Malanka commemorates the feast day of Saint Melania the Younger. On this night in Ukraine, carolers traditionally went from house to house playing pranks or acting out a small play (similar to Vertep), with a bachelor dressed in women’s clothing leading the troop. Malanka caps off the festivities of the Christmas holidays, and is often the last opportunity for partying before the solemn period of Lent which precedes Easter.
Vertep is a portable puppet theatre and drama predominantly in Ukraine, which presents the nativity scene, other mystery plays, and later secular plots as well.

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Where in Ukraine are the most luxury cars: rating

Aston Martin in Ukraine
In Kiev and its region ride 34,000 cars, which are expensive more than $ 100 000. In second best is Dnepropetrovsk.
Ukrainians like expensive cars. Only in Kyiv were registered over 30,000 VIP-cars, which cost more than 100,000 dollars. The capital takes the “lion’s share” of the most luxurious cars. For example, from 30 cars Aston Martin, registered in Ukraine, 18 accounted for Kiev, 35 cars from 50 Maybach are metropolitan, from 56 Rolls-Royce cars – 35 are situated in Kiev. Mark Bentley ceased to be exclusive – 218 pieces have metropolitan residence, and all of them in Ukraine are 392, according to the “Comments”.
Richest region is also the capital – in Kiev and the region registered 34,650 vehicles worth more than 100,000 dollars (just over 30% of the total). In second place Dnepropetrovsk region, here counted 6913 (about 7%), “cool” cars. The surprising fact is that the Volyn region with low population density, bypassed the rich industrial Donetsk, Volyn 6350 VIP-motorists (5.8% of the total in the country). For comparison, in Donetsk region registered 6201 (5.6%) cars, which are expensive more than a hundred thousand dollars. The most “poor” were Luhansk – 1973 and Chernivtsi regions – 1422 cars.
Luxury cars in UkraineAccording to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ukrainians prefer automobile brand from Germany. Ukraine has registered 39,643 Mercedes-Benz. In second place is another representative of Germany – Bavarian BMW, the car’s number is 24,139. Closes the top three, aforetime the dream of “glided youth” Lexus, only in Kiev and its region there are 8156 cars, and in Ukraine – 21,607.
The most exclusive in Ukraine exactly can be called Aston Martin. As mentioned above, there are only 30 Aston Martin cars, even Bentley (392), Maserati (153), Rolls-Royce (56) and Maybach (50) are more spread.
As journalists calculated daily on the country roads are driving more than $ 10 billion “luxury” cars.