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Ukraine is the leader in the CIS on the use of stem cells

Ukraine is the leader among the CIS countries in the legitimate use of stem cells in clinical practice.

As reported by the press conference in UNIAN – Ukrainian scientists – Biotechnology – Ukraine became the first country in the CIS, where stem cell therapies have received state registration in 2012, the Ministry of Health officially approved method of stem cell treatment of serious diseases such as panktreonekroz, critical limb ischemia , as well as injuries and burns.
stem cells Ukraine

Director of the Coordination Center of organ transplant, tissues and cells the Ministry of Health Ruslan Salyutin stressed that Ukraine has the right to declare the promise of clinical use of cell-tissue grafts, and this allows the current national regulatory framework.

“Today, from all countries of the former Soviet Union in Ukraine, there is a complete legal framework, which allows for clinical trials with stem cells. On the basis of the legal framework and the relevant permits in 2008 began the first phase of clinical trials, which were held in well-known scientific and medical centers – the Institute of Reconstructive and trauma surgery im.Gusaka, Institute im.Shalimova, National Academy of Postgraduate Education im.Shupika. A series of clinical trials could not have been possible without the participation of the Institute of Cellular Technology “, – said R.Salyutin.

According to the director of the Institute of Urgent and Reconstructive Surgery im.Gusaka Vladislav Green. The idea of ​​using stem cells to treat burns and their effects, arose 15 years ago in medical facility, which Vladislav Green heads.

“Then in the Donbass was the large number of accidents in the mines and other industrial enterprises, when our burn center were many patients with critical burns. There were nothing to close burns. Then I got the idea to use the latest biotechnology and grow from them a kind of skin. In 2003, we opened the laboratory of cell tissue cultivation, unique to this day. Now we have treated hundreds of patients burned, hundreds of lives saved. But we have seen that the ability of the laboratory extend far beyond burns. Therefore, we began to apply biotechnology in patients with severe trauma, fracture nonunion, false, false joints, then in cardiology, neurology, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver cirrhosis, “- said V.Grin.

Ukraine increases imports of waste paper

In 2011, imports of waste paper and cardboard (scrap) according to the State Customs Service of Ukraine increased by 25% relative to the previous year. Ukrainian enterprises imported 267,873 tons of waste paper totaling nearly $ 70 million in 2011. And the export of waste paper was only 2843 tons with worth about 0.5 million dollars.
Ukraineb2b waste+paper
In 2010 Ukrainian enterprises imported 214,813 tons of scrap worth about $ 45 million.
The average price of imported waste paper and cardboard in 2011 was $ 260 per ton, while in 2010 was about 211 dollars per ton.
The main supplier of paper for Ukrainian enterprises still remains Russia. 85% of all imported waste paper in 2011, it received from the Russian Federation. Other major suppliers of waste paper for Ukraine are Hungary, Moldova, Poland and Slovakia.

Solid waste situation in Ukraine

For Ukraine, as well as for many other countries, the issue of solid waste treatment is very urgent, considering that accumulated solid waste is the main cause of soil and groundwater pollution. According to the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (hereinafter – “MRDC”) in Ukraine in 2011 about 12 m tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) were produced, and the annual amount is growing by an average of 3-5% per year. Also, according to MRDC, waste accumulated by this point of time contains about 2.5 m tons of paper, 400 thsd tons of steel, 25 thsd tons of ferrous metals, and 400 thsd t of plastic. In 2011, the UNDP estimated the value of raw material potential in case of introduction of separate waste collection and waste recycling would amount to c. UAH 1.3 bn (about EUR 120 m).
Ukrainian government recognizes importance and urgency of the problem of solid waste treatment in Ukraine and is currently implementing a number of initiatives at the national level –  National project “Clean City” (under the patronage of the President of Ukraine) – construction of waste processing plants in 10 regions of Ukraine on terms of public-private partnership.
Cities chosen for the E2 80 9CClean City E2 80 9D project
Solid domestic waste production
According to MRDC, c. 50 m cubic meters of waste are produced annually in Ukraine, or about 11-12 m tons of waste, an average of 240 kg per capita (in large cities this figure may be as high as 400-450 kg/ person). The forecasted growth of MSW production is 3-5% per annum. Also, the Ministry estimates that currently there have been accumulated approximately 2.5 m tons of paper and cardboard, 400 thsd tons of ferrous and 25 thsd tons of non-ferrous metals, and 400 thsd tons of plastic in the form of waste.
According to the analytical study carrid out in 2011 under the UNDP project “Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development”, calculations based on market prices for secondary raw materials in Ukraine resulted in the following estimations of economic effect from operation of waste processing complexes, which incorporate waste sorting stations and incinerators for solid waste: paper and cardboard – UAH 180 m, metals – UAH 225 m, glass – UAH 40 m, polymers – UAH 740 m, textile – UAH 80 m, and heat or electricity generated for the surrounding neighborhoods and waste processing purposes – UAH 35 m. The total effect could amount to UAH 1.3 bn (EUR 120 m).
In 2011 only 7% of household waste was recycled and disposed of (3% – separately collected and recycled, 4% – burned in two incineration plants – in Kyiv and Dnipropetrovsk).
In 9 Ukrainian cities: Kyiv, Sevastopil, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, Simferopol, Olexandria (Kirovohradska obl.), Novohrad-Volynskyy, Bucha and Pohreby (Kyivska obl.) there are waste sorting lines in operation, and in 19 more towns such facilities are under construction. In two cities (Kyiv and Dnipropetrovsk) waste is partially being utilized at incineration plants, and in Lyubotin (Kharkivska obl.) a pilot incineration plant has been recently put into operation.
Waste treatment plants in Ukraine
Waste treatment plants in Ukraine

Imports of seafood from Alaska to Ukraine has doubled

ryba vkusnaya      The volume of imports of seafood from Alaska to the Ukraine in 2011 grew by almost a factor of 2 in quantitative terms compared with 2010 and amounted to 47 million dollars.This was announced by U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft met with reporters at the launch of Alaska seafood, organized by the Institute of Alaska Seafood Marketing with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. The event took place in the fish-market “Fish World” South Pacific “.

   At the meeting, noted that the global financial crisis, the U.S. seafood trade volumes in Ukraine is fully recovered and continues to grow. By results of 2011 the volume of imports of Alaska seafood has exceeded the best pre-crisis years.

     For the first time consumers in Ukraine have discovered the American seafood in 2000, and since then the number and variety of fish represented only expanded. The last few years, fish consumption in Ukraine Knuckles . Traditional varieties of inexpensive fish Ukrainians increasingly prefer the more expensive and high quality.

    It should be noted that fish and seafood of Alaska live in the wild Pacific Ocean. Waters of North America, their habitats, are recognized as one of the cleanest in the world. Alaska fishing meet modern technical requirements to preserve the quality of products. Catch carried out strictly in accordance with the law and is controlled at the state level in order to preserve natural resources and the renewability of fish populations in the natural environment.

The largest bakery in Ukraine will be launched in July


                 In July 2012 Ukraine’s largest bakery capacity of 250 tons per day, located in the village Krushinka, Kiev region, will be put into operation and will launch products .

                 In the range of products the largest bread-baking plant will include a variety of bakery and confectionery products. Along with the opening of the largest bakery trade will build a network of 300 stores, and the total number of staff will be up to seven thousand people.
         Market bakery products: competition
            With the advent of powerful new competitor in the bread market in a metropolitan area his balance, and so shaken after starting in the village Petrivtsi Ltd. “The First Metropolitan Bakery”, owned by holding “Grain Investments,” will clearly be violated.
In the most disadvantaged was Vasilkovsky Bakery, part of the holding “Kyivkhlib” as a bakery in the village of buckthorn will be able to meet the demand for bread of Vasilkovskaja area, which could lead to a reduction in output at Vasilkovskiy bakery, and some of its equipment may be transferred to other plants holding.
             Investor company is Vladimir Misikov owner plant “Kulinichi,” one of the leading manufacturers of bread in Kharkov and complex “Kulinichy” in Poltava. According to preliminary data of investment in the project amounted to 45 million U.S. dollars.
           The structure of the grain market in Ukraine
              Note that in the past year and a half structure of the grain market of Ukraine  – is still one of the most stable in the country – has changed significantly. Clear separation of the regional players, which was characteristic of the market for many years, no longer exists, and a series of mergers and acquisitions has made ​​adjustments to the rating of the largest producers. The author of the majority of transactions in the grain market was the company Lauffer (holding “Harvest”). Sold part of its asset holding “Tees” are assets of bread sells Arsen Avakov.

                 Despite all these changes ambiguous, we note the piece of news is clearly positive character for all owners of the meat business, the purchase and delivery of imported equipment will now be cheaper. In Ukraine, came into effect on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers № 392 of April 11, 2012 on the introduction of equipment for the bakery industry in the list of energy-saving materials, equipment and components that are exempted from import duties and import operations for which the customs territory of Ukraine are exempt from VAT.

The Ukrainian market of alternative energy – one of the most attractive in the world

alternativnaya energetika
The Ukrainian market of alternative energy sources is recognized as one of the most attractive in the world.
The main development of alternative energy is because of private investment, but it is necessary to be developed a range of incentives with the green tariff, certain preferences, privileges on the land tax, and others. Today, investors are going to deal with the development of alternative energy sources by themselves. In Ukraine was created a green tariff which is why this industry is very attractive. Considering that in Europe, already-competitive market and the company’s push each other’s elbows, and then look for new markets. At the end of last year, the Ukrainian market of alternative energy was one of the most attractive in the ranking of the young one and those who grow. Many companies want to work in Ukraine and came here with real money. There are more different foreign investor companies are working in the field of wind and solar energy.
In Ukraine, there are places where the sun is good, and they should be used to produce this kind of energy, since there are no opportunities to develop marketable projects in the field of wind energy.
And there are the opposite – more wind, and others places unsuitable for both, but it is possible to build a biomass power plant for a scrap of wood. Now we have a lot of land, which is not suitable for agricultural activities.
Also Ukraine has a tremendous potential for construction solar power on the. Therefore, if there is no land, solar power can be developed on the roofs and green tariff because of it is extremely attractive.

Global rating of steel exporters-2011

According to the UGMK.INFO rating, in 2011 the largest exporter in the world became China, while Japan has remained the leader in terms of “pure” export. Ukraine, retaining the 6th place in the top 10 exporters (and the third place in terms of surplus), almost caught up with Russia, which last year was noted by 16% of the fall in exports.
In 2011, the position of the largest exporter of steel in the world came China (almost 49 million tons), beating the victim of the Fukushima tragedy in Japan (41 million tons). At the third position – the European Union, the external supply of which increased by 11%, to 36 million tons, at the 4th place with South Korea rose indicator 28.5 million tons (9% compared to 2010), on the 5th, respectively, fell in Russia, whose exports in 2011 fell by almost 5 million tons at the 6th position – Ukraine (24 million tons), in pursuit of which Turkey aspires ambitious which set a goal to reach 20 million standard steel export already in 2012
Rating UGMK.INFO steel exporters-2011, million tons:
% of change
EU 27
South Korea
According to ISSB, in 2011, the volume of world trade in metal products (including tubes) grew by 6.2% to 292 million tons in the 3rd quarter of last year from 71.9 million tons of global steel trade half (36 8 million tons) fell flat steel, long products sales totaled 14.7 million tons, semi – 11.9 million tons and pipes – 8.5 million tons
Rating UGMK.INFO of leading net exporter of steel in 2011:
Net export, million tons.
South Korea
EU 27
Russian steel exports in 2011, according to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, have declined by 16%, to 24.4 million tons, while imports increased by 21.5%, to 5.8 million tons. Thus, net exports declined to 18.6 million tons including, semi- finished goods deliveries abroad decreased by 19%, to 12.9 million tons of flat products – by 11%, to 8.6 million tons of long-16 , 5%, to 2.9 million tons.
Imports to Russia rose by 21.5%, to 5.8 million tons including, flat products increased by 13% to 3.5 million tons of long – by 37%, to 2.3 million tons.
Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises in 2011, increased exports of steel products by 2% to 24.14 million tons. When imports rose by 10% to 1.84 million tons, and a positive trade balance amounted to 22.34 million tons.
Last year, Ukraine has reduced export semi-finished goods 5% to 10.81 million tons, including, billets – 13%, to 5.14 million tons, while the supply of slabs rose by 1.6% to 5.572 million tons.
In 2011, Ukrainian steelmakers have reduced exports of long products by 0.1%, to 5.77 million tons, including exports valves – by 7% to 2.25 million tons, rods – 4, 6% to 1.7 million tons of flat steel deliveries last year rose 15% to 7.56 million tons, including an increase in exports of the c / c rolled by 15% to 6.52 million tons, c/k rolled steel products – by 11%, to 0.9 million tons.
According to ISSB, the 3rd largest exporter in the CIS remained Kazakhstan, external supply of which in 2011 decreased by 11%, to 2.5 million tons of steel exports from Belarus increased by 6% to 1.8 million tons.

What is holding back the development of the biomass market in Ukraine?

biomass Ukraine

Major constraints wide implementation of power generation from solid biomass is the high cost of equipment, the lack of biomass fuel market, the lack of affordable credit system, the complexity of the sale of heat and little practical experience in conducting such activities in Ukraine.

Biomass and waste are 76.6% of world production of renewable energy. The volume of production of solid biomass is 71.7%, liquid biofuels  – 3%, biogas – 1%, TBT org. – 0.9%. While the production of energy from wind – 1.2%, hydropower – 17.7%, solar energy – 0.8% and geothermal energy – 3.7%.
“There was a trend of market development of biomass in Ukraine – said George Geletukha, director of SEC” Biomass “-” the country is already running a “green” tariff for solid biomass and it is valid until 2030 two companies’ Kirovogradoliya “and” Smelaenergopromtrans “received “green” tariff. There is significant potential of solid biomass available for energy use. “
The expert stressed that the cost of natural gas is growing, making economically attractive to use expensive biofuels   – pellets and briquettes. The main difficulties associated with the implementation of the projects organizational activities, not technical. Lack of government support, the practical experience of the construction and operation of a biomass thermoelectric plant, and the absence of domestic biofuels market and credit availability hinders the development of this field.
“These difficulties are surmountable, and the availability of existing incentives makes the implementation of power generation projects economically attractive,” – said Giorgi Geletukha.

2012 is a Year of the Ukrainian organic market

251394How to invest in organic market in Ukraine? Leave an inquiry on [email protected]  
Experts predict that in 2012 to the Ukrainian market of organic products will come major players and big capital.

Small shops of eco-products and farmers, who sell through the Internet products of their labor, soon will feel strong competition.
In the perspective of the domestic organic market believed large investors. The growth of enviromental awareness, not only in the West, but also in ukraine in 2012 will be even more obvious. In addition, organic products are perceived as better.
If in 2008 the market volume of organic matter was estimated at $ 660 thousand, today it is $ 4-5 million a number of manufacturers of such products during this period increased from 92 to 142.
In March of this year, one of the largest Ukrainian agricultural companies – “Argo Dakor Holding” has announced its intention to grow organic crops, the price of which in Europe is for 40% higher than the usual wheat. This holding company plans to deliver products just in the EU countries. The market attracts investor’s profitability of organic matter in 40% and in high demand both domestically and in foreign markets. Large-scale investments inhibit only the absence of legislation.
Expensive health
Today, the organic market accounts for only 1% of products sold in Ukraine. In Europe, organic products occupy 6-7% of the market. The demand for organic products by consumers is growing rapidly: today it is much greater than the supply.
“People began to think more about their health. They were disappointed in the products that can be purchased in supermarkets, and are looking to buy quality food, “- says the chairman of the Association of Producers of organic products of Ukraine Basil Pindus.
Organics, usually bought by people wealthy and middle class: the price of these products is 50-80% higher than their inorganic counterparts. Experts explain the difference in price that producers of eco-products don’t use chemicals and fertilizers, so the yield of organic crops is lower than conventional plants. Expensive are also non-mechanical prossecing and storage products. The price may lay and other costs, like promotion of goods and insurance of non implementing. 
If earlier the major problem for producers of organic products was distribution then more recently, these products are actively interested by supermarkets.
“There are no specialty stores that would offer only organic products – says Pindus. – This can be explained by the fact that there are little of such products. Therefore, on the shelves with organic products you can find its conventional counterparts. Pindus said that specialty stores can appear very soon. Prerequisite for this is enough: growing demand from customers and interest of this business segment will contribute to further growth of the market.
How to invest in organic market in Ukraine? Leave an inquiry on [email protected] 

Ukraine: prices on the export market of crude sunflower oil down

According to data of APK-Inform Agency, the prices on the Ukrainian export market of crude sunflower oil with FOB delivery basis started decreasing. The trend was mainly caused by the range of macroeconomic factors. Besides, a gradual increase of the number of offers from the major countries-producers of crude sunflower oil provides the significant influence on formation of the prices.
Thus, the offers to purchase of Ukrainian sunflower oil on FOB terms arrive the prices of 1215 USD/t (delivery in October-November). In turn, the Ukrainian trading companies announced the offer prices not below 1230 USD/t FOB.
As a reminder, at the end of the previous week, the purchasing prices for sunflower oil of Ukrainian origin were announced within the range of 1225-1230 USD/t FOB.