What is holding back the development of the biomass market in Ukraine?
Features of the Ukrainian market of vegetable oils
Salaries in Ukraine
2012 is a Year of the Ukrainian organic market
Experts predict that in 2012 to the Ukrainian market of organic products will come major players and big capital.
How to invest in organic market in Ukraine? Leave an inquiry on [email protected]
Ukraine’s Solar Energy Sector
Ukrainian tax benefits for star hotels
Ukraine is the leader in the CIS on the use of stem cells
As reported by the press conference in UNIAN – Ukrainian scientists – Biotechnology – Ukraine became the first country in the CIS, where stem cell therapies have received state registration in 2012, the Ministry of Health officially approved method of stem cell treatment of serious diseases such as panktreonekroz, critical limb ischemia , as well as injuries and burns.
“Today, from all countries of the former Soviet Union in Ukraine, there is a complete legal framework, which allows for clinical trials with stem cells. On the basis of the legal framework and the relevant permits in 2008 began the first phase of clinical trials, which were held in well-known scientific and medical centers – the Institute of Reconstructive and trauma surgery im.Gusaka, Institute im.Shalimova, National Academy of Postgraduate Education im.Shupika. A series of clinical trials could not have been possible without the participation of the Institute of Cellular Technology “, – said R.Salyutin.
“Then in the Donbass was the large number of accidents in the mines and other industrial enterprises, when our burn center were many patients with critical burns. There were nothing to close burns. Then I got the idea to use the latest biotechnology and grow from them a kind of skin. In 2003, we opened the laboratory of cell tissue cultivation, unique to this day. Now we have treated hundreds of patients burned, hundreds of lives saved. But we have seen that the ability of the laboratory extend far beyond burns. Therefore, we began to apply biotechnology in patients with severe trauma, fracture nonunion, false, false joints, then in cardiology, neurology, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver cirrhosis, “- said V.Grin.
Solid waste situation in Ukraine
The largest bakery in Ukraine will be launched in July
Despite all these changes ambiguous, we note the piece of news is clearly positive character for all owners of the meat business, the purchase and delivery of imported equipment will now be cheaper. In Ukraine, came into effect on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers № 392 of April 11, 2012 on the introduction of equipment for the bakery industry in the list of energy-saving materials, equipment and components that are exempted from import duties and import operations for which the customs territory of Ukraine are exempt from VAT.